SIKS course: “Foundations of Data Science: Data Mining” 2023


On December 11-12 2023, the School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS) is organising the course “Foundations of Data Science: Data Mining”. The course will be given in English and is part of the Educational Program for SIKS PhD students. It is a course with a broad focus, aimed at all SIKS PhD students regardless the research area they are actually working on. Although these courses are primarily intended for SIKS PhD students, other participants are not excluded. However, their admittance will be restricted and will depend on the number of SIKS PhD students that wish to enroll.


Hotel Mitland, Utrecht


11-12 December 2023


Dr. Ad Feelders (UU)
Prof. dr. Arno Siebes (UU)


Monday 11 December 2023
9.40-10.00 Doors open, coffee and tea
10.00-10.15 Course opening
10.15-12.00 From Patterns to Representations: Using Prior Information to Discover New Knowledge from Data – Jefrey Lijffijt (Ghent University)
12.00-13.15 Lunch
13.15-15.00 Rule Mining in Knowledge Graphs – Remzi Celebi (Maastricht University)
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-17.00 Machine Learning Fairness – Hilde Weerts and Mykola Pechenizkiy (TU/e)
17.00-18.00 Break
18.00-20.00 Dinner

Tuesday 12 December 2023
9.15-11.00 Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance – Mihaela Mitici (UU)
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-13.00 Deep Short-Term Weather Elements Forecasting – Siamak Mehrkanoon (UU)
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.45 Explainable AI for Medical Imaging – Wilson Silva (UU/NKI)
15.45-16.00 Closing


Registration is now closed.

Information for non-SIKS PhD students

SIKS needs a confirmation from your supervisor/office that they agree with the arrangement and paying conditions.