SIKS course on Human-Centred AI 2023


On 15 and 16 June 2023, the School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS) is organising the SIKS-course “Human-Centred AI”. This is a multidisciplinary course that is relevant for and recommended to all SIKS PhD students working in Artificial Intelligence and related fields.

Human-centred Artificial Intelligence focuses on the design, development, and deployment of intelligent systems that are safe, reliable, fair, and aligned with our human ethical, social and legal values. This course covers various topics related to human-centred Artificial Intelligence, including verifiable forms of learning and reasoning, unbiased decision-making mechanisms, causality and harm, explainability, responsibility, and the use of artificial intelligence in critical domains.

On the first day, the course provides lectures on safe and reliable AI systems by addressing the role of causality in artificial intelligence in general and machine learning in particular, AI for democracy, and ethical issues in health. On the second day, the course provides lectures on technical and philosophical concerns related to safe machine learning, machine learning for health, dealing with bias and fairness in machine learning, and explainability of machine learning systems.

The course will be given in English and is part of the Educational Program for SIKS PhD students. Although these courses are primarily intended for SIKS PhD students, other participants will not be excluded. However, their number of passes will be restricted and will depend on the number of SIKS PhD students taking the course.

LOCATIONMitland Hotel , Utrecht

DATE: 15 and 16 June 2023


  • Prof. dr. Mehdi Dastani (UU)
  • Prof. dr. ir. Jan Broersen (UU)



Day 1:


09:30-10:00 Opening

10:00-11:15 Emily Sullivan (TU/e) – Explainable AI

11:15-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-13:00 Mehdi Dastani (UU) – Emotions in Artificial Intelligence

13:00-14:30 LUNCH

14:30-15:45 Davide Grossi (RUG) – AI for Democracy

15:45:16:15 Coffee break

16:15:17:30 Dong Nguyen (UU) – Fairness & Machine Learning


Day 2:


09:00-10:15 Jan Broersen (UU) – ChatGPT’s Ethical Disconnect

10:15-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-12:00 Thijs van Ommen (UU) – Causal inference & Causal discovery for Machine Learning

12:00-13:30 LUNCH

13:30-14:45 Mark Hoogendoorn (VU) – ML for Health

14:45:15:15 Coffee break

15:15:16:30 Sander Beckers (UvA) – A causal analysis of harm


Registration for this course is now closed.

Information for non-SIKS PhD students
SIKS needs a confirmation from your supervisor/office that they agree with the arrangement and paying conditions.