SIKS Course “Responsible Artificial Intelligence”
On January 25-26 2016, the School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS) organizes the new SIKS-course “Responsible Artificial Intelligence”. The course will be given in English and is part of the Educational Program for SIKS-PhD-students. It is a course with a broad focus, aimed at all SIKS-PhD-students regardless the research area they are actually working on. Although these courses are primarily intended for SIKS-PhD-students, other participants are not excluded. However, their number of passes will be restricted and depends on the number of SIKS-PhD-students taking the course.
Recent debates show that society is realising of the potential dangers and negative impact of AI advances, as can be seen for the ongoing discussions on autonomous weapons and killer robots. AI research must be grounded on the awareness of the ethical and moral issues related to advances in AI, intelligent systems and robotics.
Responsible AI is concerned both with the moral behaviour of humans as they design, construct, use and treat artificially intelligent beings, and with the design of moral behaviour of the artificial autonomous entities being developed (agents and robots).
This course will introduce current research on Responsible AI, including, Value-sensitive Design approach that ensures that human moral values are embedded in technology from the early stages of design; and Moral Artificial Reasoning, which considers Ethics thinking as a cognitive pursuit and aims to employ AI deliberation to analyse, reason and evaluate the behaviour of complex intelligent systems.
LOCATION: Conferentiecentrum Woudschoten , Zeist
DATE: 25-26 Januari 2016
- Dr. Virginia Dignum (TUD)
- Dr. Lambèr Royakkers (TU/e)
PROGRAM: The program is available now.