List of dissertations 2024

List of dissertations 2024
Daphne Miedema (TU/e)
On Learning SQL: Disentangling concepts in data systems education

Promotores: Prof. dr. G.H.L. Fletcher (TU/e), Dr. E. Aivaloglou (TU Delft)
Promotie: 12 januari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Emile van Krieken (VUA)
Optimisation in Neurosymbolic Learning Systems

Promotor: Prof. Dr A.C.M. ten Teije (VUA)
Co-promotor: Dr. J.M. Tomczak (TU/e)
Promotie: 15 januari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Feri Wijayanto (RUN)
Automated Model Selection for Rasch and Mediation Analysis

Promotor: Prof. dr. T.M. Heskes (RUN)
Co-promotor: Dr. P.C. Groot (RUN)
Promotie: 22 Januari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Mike Huisman (Leiden University)
Understanding Deep Meta-Learning

Promotor: Prof.dr. A. Plaat (Leiden University)
Co-promotor: Dr. J. N. van Rijn (Leiden University)
Promotie: 17 Januari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Yiyong Gou (UM)
Aerial Robotic Operations: Multi-environment Cooperative Inspection & Construction Crack Autonomous Repair

Promotor: Prof. dr. G. Weiss (UM)
Co-promotor: Dr. R. Möckel (UM)
Promotie: 15 januari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Azqa Nadeem (TU Delft)
Understanding Adversary Behavior via XAI: Leveraging Sequence Clustering to Extract Threat Intelligence

Promotores: Prof. dr. ir. R.L. Lagendijk (TU Delft), Dr. ir. S.E. Verwer (TU Delft)
Promotie: 2 april 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Parisa Shayan (TiU)
Modeling User Behavior in Learning Management Systems

Promotores: Prof. dr. ir. P.H.M. Spronck (TiU), Prof. dr. M. Atzmüller (Osnabrück University), Prof. dr. M.M van Zaanen (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, North-West University)
Promotie: 24 januari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Xin Zhou (UvA)
From Empowering to Motivating: Enhancing Policy Enforcement through Process Design and Incentive Implementation

Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. C.T.A.M. de Laat (UvA), Prof. dr. T.M. van Engers (UvA)
Co-promotor: Dr. A.S.Z. Belloum (UvA), Prof. dr. S. Klous (UvA)
Promotie: 16 februari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Giso Dal (UT)
Probabilistic Inference Using Partitioned Bayesian Networks

Promotor: Prof. dr. P.J.F. Lucas (UT)
Co-promotores: Dr. A.W. Laarman (UL), Dr. A.J. Hommersom (OU)
Promotie: 29 februari 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Cristina-Iulia Bucur (VUA)
Linkflows: Towards Genuine Semantic Publishing in Science

Promotor: Prof. dr. J.R. van Ossenbruggen (VUA)
Co-promotores: Dr. T. Kuhn (VUA), Dr. D. Ceolin (CWI)
Promotie: 6 maart 2024
List of dissertations 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Peide Zhu (TU Delft)
Towards Robust Automatic Question Generation For Learning

Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. G.J. Houben (TUD)
Co-promotor: Dr. C. Hauff (TUD)
Promotie: 8 april 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Enrico Liscio (TU Delft)
Context-Specific Value Inference via Hybrid Intelligence

Promotor: Prof. dr. C.M. Jonker (TU Delft)
Co-promotor: Dr. P.K. Murukannaiah (TU Delft)
Promotie: 22 april 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Larissa Capobianco Shimomura (TU/e)
On Graph Generating Dependencies and their Applications in Data Profiling

Promotor: Prof. dr. G.H.L. Fletcher (TU/e)
Co-promotor: Dr. Nikolay Yakovets (TU/e)
Promotie: 19 april 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Ting Liu (VUA)
A Gut Feeling: Biomedical Knowledge Graphs for Interrelating the Gut Microbiome and Mental Health

Promotor: Prof. dr. J. Heringa (VUA)
Co-promotores: Dr ir. K.A. Feenstra (VUA); Prof. dr. Z Huang (VUA)
Promotie: 6 mei 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Arthur Barbosa Câmara (TU Delft)
Designing Search-as-Learning Systems

Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. G.J.P.M Houben (TU Delft)
Co-promotor: Dr. C. Hauff (TU Delft)
Promotie: 22 mei 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Razieh Alidoosti (VUA, Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Ethics-aware Software Architecture Design

Promotores: Prof. dr. P. Lago (VUA), Prof. dr. L. Aceto (Reykjavik University, Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Co-promotores: Dr. L. Iovino (Gran Sasso Science Institute), Dr. M. Razavian (TU/e)
Promotie: 26 april 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Laurens P. Stoop (UU)
Data Driven Understanding of Energy-Meteorological Variability and its Impact on Energy System Operations

Promotores: Prof. dr. A.P.J.M. Siebes (UU), Prof. dr. E Worrell (UU)
Co-Promotores: Dr. A.J. Feelders (UU), Prof. dr. ir. M.A. van den Broek (TU Delft)
Promotie: 22 mei 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Azadeh S. Mozafari Mehr (TU/e)
Multi-perspective Conformance Checking: Identifying and Understanding Patterns of Anomalous Behavior

Promotor: B.F. van Dongen (TU/e)
Co-promotor: Dr. R. Medeiros De Carvalho (TU/e)
Promotie: 22 mei 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Ritsart Anne Plantenga (Leiden University)
Omgang met Regels

Promotores: Prof.dr. H.J. van den Herik (UL), Prof. dr. E.R. Müller (UL)
Co-promotor: Dr. M. Dechesne (UL)
Promotie: 26 september 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Federica Vinella (UU)
Crowdsourcing User-Centered Teams

Promotor: Prof. dr. J.F.M. Masthoff (UU)
Co-promotor: Dr. I. Lykourentzou (UU)
Promotie: 17 juni 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Zeynep Ozturk Yurt (TU/e)
Beyond Routine: Extending BPM for Knowledge-Intensive Processes with Controllable Dynamic Contexts

Promotor: Dr. ir. I.T.P Vanderfeesten (TU/e)
Co-promotores: Dr. ir. H. Eshuis (TU/e), Prof. dr. A. Wilbik (UM)
Promotie: 14 juni 2024

List of dissertations 2024
Jie Luo (VUA)
Lamarck’s Revenge: Inheritance of Learned Traits Improves Robot Evolution

Promotor: Prof. dr. A.E. Eiben (VUA)
Co-promotores: Dr. K. Miras (VUA), Dr. J. Tomczak (TU/e)
Promotie : 24 september 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Nirmal Roy (TU Delft)
Exploring the effects of interactive interfaces on user search behaviour

Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. G.J. Houben (TU Delft)
Co-promotor Dr. C. Hauff (TU Delft)
Promotie: 27th juni 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Alisa Rieger (TU Delft)
Striving for Responsible Opinion Formation in Web Search on Debated Topics

Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. G.J.P.M. Houben (TU Delft)
Co-promotor: Dr. M.S. Pera (TU Delft)
Promotie: 8 november 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Tim Gubner (CWI)
Adaptively Generating Heterogeneous Execution Strategies using the VOILA Framework

Promotor: Prof.dr. P.A. Boncz (CWI, VUA)
Co-promotor: Prof.dr. S. Manegold (CWI, UL)
Promotie: 4 oktober 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Lincen Yang (Leiden University)
Information-theoretic Partition-based Models for Interpretable Machine Learning

Promotor: Prof.dr. A. Plaat (Leiden University)
Co-promotor: Dr. M. van Leeuwen (Leiden University)
Promotie: 20 september 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Leon Helwerda (Leiden University)
Grip on Software: Understanding development progress of Scrum sprints and backlogs

Promotor: F.J. Verbeek (Leiden University)
Co-promotor: Dr. W.A. Kosters (Leiden University)
Promotie: 13 september 2024
List of dissertations 2024
David Wilson Romero Guzman (VUA)
The Good, the Efficient and the Inductive Biases: Exploring Efficiency in Deep Learning Through the Use of Inductive Biases

Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Hoogendoorn (VUA)
Co-promotores: Dr. J.M. Tomczak (VUA), Dr. E.J. Bekkers (UvA)
Promotie: 10 september 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Vijanti Ramautar (UU)
Model-Driven Sustainability Accounting

Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Brinkkemper
Co-promotor: Dr. S. España Cubillo
Promotie: 9 oktober 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Ziyu Li (TU Delft)
On the Utility of Metadata to Optimize Machine Learning Workflows

Promotores: G.J.P.M Houben (TU Delft), A. Bozzon (TU Delft)
Co-promotor: Dr. A. Katsifodimos
Promotie: 11 september, 2024
List of dissertations 2024
Vinicius Stein Dani (UU)
The Alpha and Omega of Process Mining

Promotores: H.A. Reijers (UU), Prof.dr. H. Leopold (Kühne Logistics University)
Co-promotor: J.M.E.M. van der Werf, Utrecht University
Promotie: 21 november 2024